Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Forest Guardian

A figure emerged from the mist, I could tell it was a female, she had bright honey golden coloured hair that was wavy and in some places fell down to her knees. Woven into her hair were yellow leaves with traces of pink, parts of berry bushes were neatly arranged in her fringe which was covering half of her eyebrow. Her ears were long and pointed and she wore a long dress that dragged along the ground behind. It had silver specks and pink strips in places and at the back there were white velvety streaks

Her cheeks were a pale pink colour and her beauty would have won 10,000 pageants. But above everything the thing that amazed me the most was her wings, 150cm, a light peach colour at the top toning down to a shower of rose coloured sparkles.

  • This is a piece of writing evidence and I wrote this for fun because I had free time so why not spend it working?
  • I was learning how to use interesting words and make a vivid image in the readers mind.
  • This little experiment with words was so much fun and now I'm off to write another interesting play with words! 



Anonymous said...

Good job Ashleigh you have used a lot of interesting words and you have describe Melissa good.

Anonymous said...

WOW that can tell me so much about this creatre/person IT IS SO DESCRIPTEVE!!