Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Balanced Argument on Blogs and Stuff

A great thing about google gmail is the fact that you can be in contact with your friends and teacher constantly.In knowledge net people weren’t in contact at all, well not really.

But a downside to blogger is that not that many anonymous people comment anyway. Anyway on Knowledge net nobody except the teachers could comment anyway!

On google drive you can make folders, documents, presentations, spreadsheets, forms and drawings! And in Knowledge net you had to do all of that separately!

However on blogger a little issue is the fact that you can’t edit and customise your blog that much, I mean last time I didn’t get a chance to because time was up. So I think that we should be able to change, edit and customize things whenever.

On the other hand gmail is great because you can attach files using drive, for example just then I sent Mrs Graham a screenshot  of a maths problem I did.

Something that gets me down is the fact that on google the HTML codes are very confusing, and blogger doesn’t automatically correct the size of the picture you are putting onto your blog.

But all and all I think every child in Elm Park School should have their very own google account, including gmail, drive blogger and much more!


This piece of writing is called a balanced argument, in which you alternate between good and bad points of something using sentence starters. At school I have finished two whole other arguments! And I’m telling you they aren’t so easy.


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